UEFA Champions League 2024/25

Internacional - Clubes - UEFA Champions League

UEFA Champions League 2024/25



Internacional - Clubes - UEFA Champions League

UEFA Champions League 2024/25


Más asistencias

Se aplican las reglas de desempate. Otros disponibles a solicitud.

Internacional - Clubes - UEFA Champions League

UEFA Champions League 2024/25


Máximo Goleador

Otros disponibles a solicitud. Aplican las reglas de desempate..

Internacional - Clubes - UEFA Champions League

UEFA Champions League 2024/25


To Finish Bottom in League Stage

Internacional - Clubes - UEFA Champions League

UEFA Champions League 2024/25


Top Team in League Stage - Bundesliga

Internacional - Clubes - UEFA Champions League

UEFA Champions League 2024/25


A llegar a la final

Especiales del Torneo

UEFA Champions League 2024/25

League Stage Winner

UEFA Champions League 2024/25

Nacionalidad del ganador

UEFA Champions League 2024/25

Player combined goals scored

Goals scored in regular time or extra time, penalty shootouts not included.

UEFA Champions League 2024/25

Player to score X+ goals parlay

Goals scored in regular time or extra time, penalty shootouts not included.

UEFA Champions League 2024/25

To Finish 9-24 in League Stage

UEFA Champions League 2024/25

To Qualify Past The League Phase

Teams To Finish in The Top 24 at the end of the League Phase.

UEFA Champions League 2024/25

Top 8 Finish in League Stage